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  3. Input Data - Input Data Basics

FOND data restrictions

When uploading data, you must make sure that it meets the following restrictions.

Data format

Currently, only Shapefile, KML and geojson are supported for upload. If you need another format, let us know. Please note that each Input data layer must contain a single geometry type. GeometryCollection data types are not supported.

Coordinate Reference System  

FOND requires all data have a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) specified, and that is consistent with the projection of the data. FOND now accepts all common CRS but will convert all data to WGS84 (EPSG 4326). If you are unsure what reference system your data is in, or need additional support, you can email fondhelp@biarrinetworks.com with any questions you have. 

Two-dimensional coordinates 

FOND will only accept data with X and Y coordinates - no Z values for height.

Geometry type

Each Input data layer must be a certain type.

Addresses: These must be Point geometries.

Underground Path: These must be LineString geometries (no MultiLineString).

Poles: These must be Point geometries.

Aerial spans: These must be LineString geometries (no MultiLineString). 

Central Office: These must be Point geometries. 

Area Select: An uploaded Area Select layer must contain a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.

Data limits

  • Uploaded input data files must not exceed 100mb in size. 
  • The maximum number of addresses in a project is 10,000 points.
  • Area select polygons can have a maximum area of 1,500 square miles (or 3884.982 square kilometers)
    • Note that the 10,000 address limit will generally be reached within a much smaller area than this.
    • The larger the area, the more complex the problem. FOND performs best on smaller and denser networks.