How is a Premise Defined?

This premise definition describes in detail how we define a premise, how they're tracked within our system, and what makes a unique premise.

Premise Definition

How are Households passed (HHPs) tracked and defined within FOND? A premise in the context of FOND refers to any end point being designed within the system. Although the term "premise" typically suggests a home or place of residence, it encompasses a broader range of locations, including homes, multi-dwelling units, cell sites, and businesses.

To track premises within the system, FOND relies solely on geospatial locations specified by longitude and latitude coordinates. Each premise is uniquely identified based on specific criteria. Firstly, the longitude and latitude coordinates are distinct up to 5 decimal places. Secondly, the premises are designed under the same contracted year. Lastly, the premise is designed under the same account.

It is worth noting that any two or more premises are considered the same premise if their longitude and latitude coordinates match up to 5 decimal places. This means that as a FOND customer, you have the flexibility to design to the same premise multiple times. There are no limitations on the number of times you can design to the same premise across an unlimited number of projects within the year of your subscription.

By understanding the premise definition and the criteria for uniqueness, you can leverage FOND's capabilities to efficiently design and track various end points. Whether you are working on residential projects, multi-dwelling units, cell sites, or businesses, FOND provides a reliable framework to manage and optimize your design processes.