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  3. Input Data - Pole and Aerial Span Data

Uploading Pole and Strand data

Pole and strand data are important inputs for FOND to generate designs. Learn how to upload this information, and what to do if you don't have it.

To upload Poles and/or Strand, open the combined Aerial Span/Pole drop down, and select Upload. You can open up your local file explorer to locate the input files, or drag the poles and spans onto their respective areas on the upload panel.



Once you've uploaded data, you can choose to either continue to generate a design or edit the data to remove errors.

In the example above, we've uploaded both pole and spans. This is ideal and will lead to the most accurate designs, but FOND can handle the case of either poles and spans.

Uploading poles only

To be able to generate a design, FOND needs to have Aerial Span data as an input. Therefore, when only Poles are uploaded, FOND will infer the geometries of the Aerial Span. It's therefore a good idea to inspect the data and edit the spans to fix any cases where FOND made incorrect inferences, using the drawing tools.

Uploading strand only

To be able to generate a design, FOND needs to have Poles as input. Therefore, if only Spans are uploaded, FOND will place a Pole on the end of each line feature. Again, inspect the data and edit the poles and spans to fix any cases where FOND made incorrect inferences, using the drawing tools.